Figure 1.
Representations of the computerized behavioral laboratory tasks used. (A) On the Affective Go/No-Go, participants are presented with a series of positive, negative, and neutral valence words and instructed to respond only to wordsofthetargetvalence while ignoringwordsofthe distractor valence. The targetand distractorvalencesvarybetween task blocks. (B) In each trial ofthe Cambridge GamblingTask, participants are presented with 10 colored boxes and told that a token is hidden underone ofthe boxes. Participants must guess which color box contains the hidden token and then bet a proportion of their total points. They gain those points if they are correct and lose them if they are incorrect. The ratio ofcolored boxes varies in each trial. (C) On the Probabilistic Reversal Task, participants are presented with two colored stimuli. They must determine through trial and errorwhich coloris “correct” and are instructed to selectthis “correct” coloreverytime, even intheface ofmisleading negativefeedback.Theyaretold the ruleswillchange at some point during the task and that they must then select the new “correct” color every time, though they are not told when this switch will occur. Both the “correct” and “incorrect” stimuli receive misleading feedback on 20% of trials. © Copyright 2019 Cambridge Cognition Limited. All rights reserved.