Extended Data Fig. 5. TASH3 interacts with AtEH/Pan1 subunits through its body and not via its SH3 domain.
a) Schematic representation of AtEH1/Pan1 and AtEH2/Pan1 proteins with PxxP motifs indicated by orange lines. b-d) Maximal intensity projection of representative Z-stacks of transiently expressed TASH3-GFP, TASH3_body-GFP and mCherry-TASH3_linker_SH3 in epidermal N. benthamiana cells, respectively. e-f) Maximal intensity projection of representative Z-stacks of TASH3-GFP recruitment to AtEH1/Pan1-mCherry and AtEH2/Pan1-mCherry positive foci upon transient co-expression in epidermal N. benthamiana cells. g-h) Maximal intensity projection of representative Z-stacks of TASH3_body-GFP recruitment to AtEH1/Pan1-mCherry and AtEH2/Pan1-mCherry positive foci upon transient co-expression in epidermal N. benthamiana cells. i-j) Representative Z-stacks showing that mCherry-TASH3_linker_SH3 is not recruited to AtEH1/Pan1-GFP or AtEH2/Pan1-GFP positive foci upon transient co-expression in epidermal N. benthamiana cells. White arrowheads indicate colocalization. Scale bar = 20 μm. k-l) Box plot graphs of the particle/cytoplasm intensity of TASH3, TASH3_body and TASH3_linker_SH3 upon transient co-expression of AtEH1/Pan1 and AtEH2/Pan1 in N. benthamiana. The number of Z-stacks analyzed for each combination is indicated at the bottom of each graph. The top and bottom lines of box plots represent 25th and 75th percentiles, the center line is the median and whiskers are the full data range. Letters represent a two-sided mixed linear model statistic used to determine the difference between samples. No adjustment for multiple comparisons was performed. One outlier is marked with a red asterix. TASH3 and TASH3_body are recruited to AtEH/Pan1, whereas TASH3_linker_SH3 is not.