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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell. 2022 Sep 13;82(19):3598–3612.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.08.019

Key resources table.

Monoclonal Anti-FLAG M2 Antibody Merck F3165
Histone-H3 Abcam ab1791
Secondary anti mouse HRP Sigma-Aldrich 12-349
Secondary anti rabbit HRP Sigma-Aldrich 12-348
Bacterial and virus strains
MegaX DH10B T1R Electrocomp™ Cells Thermo Fisher C640003
Experimental models: Cell lines
D. melanogaster Schneider S2 cells Thermo Fisher R69007
HCT-116 ATCC CCL-247
S2OsTir1 This Paper N/A
S2OsTir1-Snr1-AID This Paper N/A
S2OsTir1-Iswi-AID This Paper N/A
S2OsTir1-Ino80-AID This Paper N/A
S2OsTir1-Chd1-AID This Paper N/A
S2OsTir1-Brd7-AID This Paper N/A
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
Puromycin Invivogen ant-pr-1
FastDigest MluI ThermoFisher FD0564
BspQI NEB R0712S
Blasticidin S HCl ThermoFisher R21001
3-Indoleacetic acid Merck I3750
QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution Lucigen QE9059
2x Laemmli Sample Buffer BioRad 1610737
EGTA Merck E4378
Biotin-11-CTP PerkinElmer NEL542001EA
Trizol ThermoFisher 15596026
Trizol-LS ThermoFisher 10296010
GlycoBlue™ Coprecipitant ThermoFisher AM9515
NTP Set, 100 mM Solution ThermoFisher R0481
N-Lauroylsarcosine sodium salt Merck L5125
Dynabeads™ M-280 Streptavidin ThermoFisher 11205D
Cap-CLIP BioZym C-CC15011H
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase NEB M0201S
Murine RNAse Inhibitor NEB M0314L
T4 RNA Ligase NEB M0204L
SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase ThermoFisher 18080093
KAPA HiFi HotStart Real-Time Library Amp Kit Roche 7959028001
AMPure XP beads Beckman Coulter A63882
Anti-FLAG® M2 Magnetic Beads Merck M8823
Nuclease micrococcal from Staphylococcus aureus Merck N3755
Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade Merck 3115828001
TissueRuptor Disposable Probes Qiagen 990890
ROTI® Phenol/ Chloroform/ Isoamylalkohol, 500 ml Roth A156.2
Turbo DNase Thermo AM2239
RNase A (17,500 U) Qiagen 19101
Digitonin Merck D141
Spermidine trihydrochloride Merck 85580
Lysyl endopeptidase Wako Chemicals Cat#7041
Ammoniumbicarbonate Sigma-Aldrich Cat#09830
Tris-(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphin-hydrochloride (TCEP) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#646547
S-Methyl-thiomethanesulfonate (MMTS) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#64306
Trifluoroacetic acid Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T6508
oComplete mini protease inhibitors Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 11836170001
Axygen 1.5mL MaxyClear tube Corning Cat#MCT-150-A
Critical commercial assays
Direct-zol RNA Microprep Zymo R2061
Micro Bio-spin P-30 gel columns Bio-rad 7326251
NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina NEB E7645
CUTANA pAG-MNAse Epicypher 15-1016
CUTANA Concanavalin A Conjugated Paramagnetic Beads Epicypher 21-1401
Power Blotter Station ThermoFisher PB0010
MaxCyte STX Scalable Transfection System Maxcyte NA
4–20% Mini-PROTEAN® TGX™ Precast Protein Gels, 15-well, 15 μl Bio-Rad #34561096
Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Vertical Electrophoresis Cell Bio-Rad 1658004
Monarch Gel Extraction NEB T1020L
Deposited data
Raw and analyzed sequencing data This paper GEO: GSE184187
Brd7 IP-MS This paper PRIDE: PXD036007
Mendeley Dataset This paper DOI: 10.17632/zj2f34rwff.1
STAP-seq cofactor recruitment data Haberle et al. 2019 GEO: GSE116197
S2 dCP and hkCP STARR-seq Zabidi et al., 2015 GEO: GSE57876
BG3 STARRseq Yanez Cuna et al., 2014 GEO: GSE49809
Drosophila CAGE data modEncode
Nucleosome Occupancy Prediction score Segal Lab
Primers for AID tagging This Paper Table S1
5’- /5Phos/rNrNrN rNrNrN rNrNrG rArUrC rGrUrC rGrGrA rCrUrG rUrArG rArArC rUrCrU rGrArA rC/3InvdT/ -3’ IDT N/A
5- rCrCrU rUrGrG rCrArC rCrCrG rArGrA rArUrU rCrCrA rNrNrN rN -3 (5’ RNA linker) IDT N/A
Recombinant DNA
pBabe Puro osTIR1-9Myc Addgene plasmid #80074
pAc-sgRNA-Cas9 Addgene plasmid #49330
pCRIS-PITChv2-FBL Addgene plasmid #63672
Software and algorithms
Benchling N/A
R version 3.5.3 R Development Core Team, 2019
Cutadapt Martin et al. 2011
Samtools version 1.9 Li et al. 2009
bowtie version 1.2.2 Langmead et al., 2009
GenomicRanges 1.34.0 Lawrence et al. 2013
bigBedtoBed Kent et al. 2010
bedtools 2.27.1 Quinlan & Hall 2010
DESeq2 package v.1.30.1 Love et al. 2014