Fig. 1. A dTAG knock-in HAP1 cell line for acute degradation of SMARCA4.
(a) Model of the dTAG system and validation of successful tagging of the SMARCA4 locus in HAP1 cells. (b) Kinetics of SMARCA4 loss following treatment of HAP1 SMARCA4dTAG cells with 300 nM dTAG47 or control DMSO as investigated by western blot analysis (cropped images). (c) Cropped western blot images confirming degradation of SMARCA4 in HAP1 SMARCA4dTAG cells in various cellular compartments. Cells were treated for 24 h with 300 nM dTAG47 or DMSO as control. (d) Proteomic analysis of nuclear extracts after various dTAG47 treatment times. Log2 fold-change of 300 nM dTAG47 versus DMSO treatment is shown for BAF members. (e) SMARCC1 immunoprecipitation in different cellular compartments with 300 nM dTAG47 or DMSO treatment for 24 h. Western blot analysis for different BAF subunits and the HA tag present on SMARCA4 (cropped images). (f) Proteomic results for BAF complex members after SMARCC1 immunoprecipitation in various cellular compartments 24 h after 300 nM dTAG47 or DMSO treatment. Log2 fold-change of dTAG47 versus DMSO is shown for BAF members. 0 = protein abundance below quantification noise threshold.