All AlphaFold2 predictions were obtained using ColabFold. For all complexes, predicted alignment error (PAE) matrices, structural models coloured by the predicted Local Distance Difference Test (pLDDT) and the final models fitted into respective densities are shown. Note that the PAE matrix scale is from 0-5 Å, not the default 0-30 Å output, to emphasise the very high-confidence interactions. a, Human PAT complex, comprised of CCDC47 and Asterix. The final model is fitted into the respective density taken from the PAT sub-classified map (submap 2 in Extended Data Fig. 2) filtered by local resolution. b, Canine Sec61 complex. The final model is fitted into the respective density taken from the Rho-2TMD reference map filtered by local resolution. c, Human BOS complex, comprised of TMEM147, Nicalin, and NOMO. The final model (which omitted NOMO because it was not visualised in the map) is fitted into the respective density taken from the TMEM147 sub-classified map (submap 1 in Extended Data Fig. 2) filtered by local resolution. The density for Nicalin is also shown at a very low threshold in transparent white to visualise the lumenal domain density. d, Human GEL complex, comprised of TMCO1 and OPTI (C20orf24). The final model is fitted into the respective density taken from the Rho-4TMD map filtered by local resolution.