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. 2021 Apr 22;7(1):93–101. doi: 10.1080/23748834.2021.1908794

Table 2.

Estimated percent differences in IMRs associated with city- and country-level predictors (n = 286 cities).

  Model 1
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
  Diff CI Diff CI Diff CI Diff CI Diff CI
Women’s labor force participation scorea −5.9 −20.5 11.3         −4.5 −17.5 10.4 −6.1 −11.1 −0.8
Educational attainment among women scoreb     −9.9 −15.1 −4.3     −9.4 −17.5 −0.5 −0.7 −7.0 6.2
CLE scale 2015c         16.8 1.7 34.3 20.2 3.0 40.4 16.6 3.6 31.4
Living conditions scored                 −11.9 −18.5 −4.9
Services provision scoree                 −10.6 −15.8 −5.2
MMR1 coveragef                 −0.1 −0.2 0.1
Variance Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
Country intercept 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.004

Null model variance, mean (SD) = 0.04 (0.02).Note: Bold numbers are indicating statistically significant results for alpha level <0.05. Estimates corresponds to percent differences in IMRs for 1 SD higher scores of women’s labor force participation, women’s educational attainment, living conditions, and services provision; and for 1% higher MMR1 coverage and 1 point-higher CLE scale. aWomen’s labor force participation score includes the female to the male proportion of the population aged 25 or above who completed high school or above; the female to the male proportion of the population aged 25 or above who completed university degree or above; % of women ≥15 years who are part of the labor force among all women ≥15 years (employed or unemployed); ratio between female labor force participation rate and male labor force participation rate in population older than 15 years of age. bEducational attainment among women score includes % female population with high school level or above among female population aged 25 years or above, % of female population with complete university degree or above among female population aged 25 years or above. cCountry law enforcement (CLE) scale is defined as the degree to which countries have and enforce laws supporting women’s rights, including education, family, and physical security. Scale ranges 0–4: Scale reference: (0) The laws are well enforced by the government; and is a high priority of the government; (1) laws are mostly enforced, and the government appears to be fairly proactive; (2) spotty enforcement of laws; the government may or may not signal its interest; (3) little effective enforcement; improving the situation of women appears to be a low priority for the government; (4) virtually no enforcement of laws, or such laws do not even exist. dLiving conditions Score includes % of households with piped water in the dwelling, % of households with overcrowding (3+ per room) in the house, and % of population 15–17 attending school. eServices provision Score includes: % of households with water connected to municipal network, and % of households with sewage system connected to municipal network. fMMR1 coverage represents the percentage of children at age 1 who received the first dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine among overall population at age of 1.