Effects of alcohol consumption (units/week) on (A) EEAA, (B) IEAA, (C) AgeAccelGrim and (D) AgeAccelPheno in fully adjusted models. Values on forest plot indicate standardised β with 95% confidence intervals. Models are adjusted for sex, BMI and pack-years in Sets 1 and 2 and relatedness in Set 1 by fitting pedigree information as a random effect in general linear mixed models using advanced restricted maximum likelihood (ASReml) method. Fixed-effects inverse variance-weighted meta-analysis was applied using R package meta to combine the standardised coefficient estimates in Sets 1 and 2. FDR correction was applied across all models in Sets 1 and 2 and all meta-analysis models (12 models in total). Sample size: n = 4260 in Set 1, n = 3791 in Set 2 (n = 8051 included in meta-analyses). CI, confidence interval; EEAA, extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration; FDR, false discovery rate; IEAA, intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration; SE, standard error