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. 2022 Oct 17;76(5):881–889. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac824

Table 3.

Cox Proportional Hazard Regression for the Impact of Point-of-Care Versus Central Laboratory–Based Testing on Time to Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Initiation Among Women

Variable Category Model A: NG/CT Outcome Model B: TVa Outcome
Treatments/PD aHR (95% CI) P Value Treatments/PD aHR (95% CI) P Value
Age group, y 18–24 413/8913.7 1 55/1312.2 1
25–34 138/3080.6 1.02 (.83–1.25) .840 37/174.9 1.48 (.96–2.29) .075
≥35 21/230.4 1.51 (1.12–2.06) .008 13/4.4 1.05 (.65–1.68) .844
School level completed High school 354/7786.9 1 59/1208.1 1
Primary school 216/4341.4 1.16 (.45–2.98) .753 44/460.3 0.99 (.66–1.47) .955
No school 2/96.4 1.21 (.47–3.13) .689 2/0.3 0.96 (.61–1.51) .863
CRSb Verulam/Isipingoc 402/11 396.3 1 78/1124.0 1
eThekwinid 170/828.3 39.62 (15.13–103.74) <.001 27/534.8 0.93 (.59–1.48) .770
Study visit type at which STI treatments were initiatedb Scheduled 406/9430.6 1 100/1634.9 1
Unscheduled 166/2794.1 0.76 (.52–1.11) .152 5/33.9 0.71 (.38–1.32) .281

Denominators that do not equal the sample sizes are due to missing data.

Abbreviations: aHR, adjusted hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; CRS, clinical research site; CT, Chlamydia trachomatis; NG, Neisseria gonorrhoeae; PD, person-days; STI, sexually transmitted infection; TV, Trichomonas vaginalis.

All CRSs used point-of-care (POC) assays for TV testing.

Variable specified as a time-varying covariate in Model A to satisfy proportional hazard assumption. Model B satisfied the proportional hazard assumption (Schoenfeld test P = .1570).

Central laboratory–based testing for NG/CT was conducted at the Isipingo and Verulam CRSs.

POC testing for NG/CT was conducted at the eThekwini CRS.