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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Mar 13.
Published in final edited form as: Pers Individ Dif. 2007 Oct;43(6):1386–1395. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2007.04.007

Table 2. F values, means and SD (in parentheses) for ANOVA by Group, for concreteness and content of problem elaborations, depressive symptoms, rumination and worry for sample with GAD cases excluded.

Currently depressed
(n = 24; M 5: F 19)
Recovered depressed
(n = 26; M 12: F 14)
Never depressed
(n = 30: M 9: F 21)
Age 38.7 (10.2)a 29.6 (9.6)b 38.0 (15.3)a, b 4.5*
BDI 24.0 (8.4)a 8.4 (7.9)b 2.6 (2.8)c 71.1***
RRS 58.4 (10.7)a 53.1 (14.5)a 33.8 (10.6)b 32.1***
PSWQ 59.3 (10.6)a 51.3 (14.2)b 41.0 (10.9)c 15.9***
    Major problem 3.17 (1.00)a 3.71 (0.74)b 3.80 (0.82)b 4.1*
    Consequences 2.83 (0.87)a 3.69 (0.72)b 3.78 (0.81)b 10.9***
    Threat 3.85 (1.31)a 3.98 (1.46)a 3.53 (1.17)a 0.85
    Loss 6.19 (1.33)a 5.33 (1.58)a, b 4.52 (1.54)b 8.2***
    Symptom-focus 5.12 (2.01)a 3.38 (1.67)b 2.65 (1.37)b 14.6***

Note. M is number of men, F is number of women. BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; RRS, Ruminative Response Scale of the Response Styles Questionnaire; PSWQ, Penn State Worry Questionnaire. Concreteness was rated on a five-point scale from Abstract (1) to Concrete (5). Threat, loss and symptom-focus were each rated on a 10 point scale from 0 to 9.

Means in the same row that do not share superscripts differ at p < .05 on post-hoc Scheffé tests.

F values refer to the univariate analyses of variance comparing each dependent variable across all three groups


p < .05


p < .01


p < .001