High-density recordings in upstream and downstream areas allow recording input
patterns (upstream spike trains), input integration (postsynaptic potentials in
target neurons) and firing output of target neurons. Such recordings combined
with closed-loop optogenetic manipulations allow for the dissection of
input-output signal transformation in neural circuits. A gamma pattern (blue
trace) generated by a specific synaptic pathway can be optogenetically disrupted
(A) or enhanced (B) to probe the function of that pathway. To test the role of
the precise timing of spikes for inter-areal communication, optogenetic
stimulation of target neurons (gray) can be timed by the phase of gamma
oscillations in a projecting area (blue) to increase their synchrony (C). In a
similar manner, two connected neuronal populations that normally display gamma
coherence can be decoupled by transient inhibition timed by the phase of ongoing
gamma oscillations (D). Neurons, oscillations, and spikes are color-coded
according to the circuit generating them. Silicon probes and optic fibers are
depicted in each region. Blue and yellow trapezoids indicate optogenetic
activation and silencing respectively. Vertical black arrows indicate event