A Study outline of body composition and downstream analyses. B Distribution of body composition and body mass metrics according to sex at primary diagnosis in the TRACERx cohort (N=651) and C BLCS cohort (N=420); vertical lines indicate mean in female (green) and male (blue) patients. D Lung cancer-specific survival in TRACERx and E BLCS cohorts for body composition at primary diagnosis according to sex-specific bottom 20th percentile (red, <20%), mid 60th percentile (grey, 20%-80%) and upper 20th percentiles (blue, >80%) of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and skeletal muscle (SKM). Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) derived from univariate Cox regression analysis of the <20% group and the 20-80% groups.