Table 1. List of MR estimation methods.
Category | Core IV assumption relaxed | Individual level data | Summary data |
‘Basic’ MR method | None | Wald ratio estimation, two-stage least squares regression analysis (2SLS)a | Wald ratio estimation, inverse variance weightinga,38 |
Weak instrument robust methods | IV1; allows for weak instruments | Limited information maximum likelihood (LIML)27, allele score approaches27 | MR RAPS88, dIVW190, MR GRAPPLE89, NOME adjustment191, two-sample AR192 |
Outlier/variant selection and removal | IV3; allows for balanced/sparse pleiotropy | Weighted median193 | Weighted mediana,83 |
Outlier/variant selection and removal | IV3; allows for (some) directional pleiotropy | sisVIVE71, adaptive LASSO72, weighted mode193 | Weighted modea,84, MR LASSO85, Steiger filteringa,94, Welch-weighted Egger95, contamination mixture194, GSMR80, MR-Clust195, Bayesian MIMR196, CIV73 |
Outlier/variant adjustment | IV3; allows for balanced pleiotropy | Limited approaches currently available | MR RAPS88, MRCIP197 |
Outlier/variant adjustment | IV3; allows for (some) directional pleiotropy | Limited approaches currently available | MR TRYX86, MR Robust85, MR CAUSE90, MR PRESSO87, MR GRAPPLE89, MRMix198, MR-LDP199, IMRP200, regularization201, MR-PATH202 |
Estimation adjustment | IV3; allows for balanced pleiotropy | Limited approaches currently available | dIVW190 |
Estimation adjustment | IV3; allows for (some) directional pleiotropy | Constrained instrumental variables203, multivariable MR74 | MR Egger91, multivariable MR74,92, MR Link204, hJAM205, GIV206, Bayesian network analysis207, BMRE208, BayesMR209 |
Environmental control adjustment | IV3; allows for (some) directional pleiotropy | MR GxE76,77, MR GENIUS78 | Limited approaches currently available |
Most commonly used methods; note that each method relies on strong assumptions and may not be the most appropriate in any particular setting. These categories are not mutually exclusive and the classification of some methods may be ambiguous. Each method will impose some alternative version of the IV condition that is relaxed for consistent estimation with that method. Methods that are robust to directional pleiotropy impose (often strong) assumptions on the nature of that pleiotropy to enable estimation. Novel MR estimation methods are being developed continually and will generally fit into one or more of these categories.