Table 2. Simulation study: methods for handling missing values in partially observed components z2 and z3. y, composite endpoint; x, randomized treatment; z1, fully observed component.
Method | Variable(s) imputed | Imputation model predictors |
CRA | ||
Deriv | ||
aMI-CRA | y CRA | x |
aMI-Deriv | y deriv | x |
bMIC-main | z2, z3 | z1, z2 or z3, x |
bMIC-x | z2, z3 | z1, z2 or z3; stratified by x |
bMIC-x-z1 | z2, z3 | z2 or z3; stratified by z1 and x |
Univariate MI using logistic regression.
MICE using logistic regression for conditional models.