Id2flox/flox mice (cKO) and littermate controls (Ctrl) were analyzed 7 (a-c) or 11 days (i-m) after infection with N.b., alongside untreated WT controls. a, TH2 cells. b,c, Neutrophils in the lung. Littermate controls for (a-c) were Id2flox/+ or Nmur1Cre-T2A-GFP
Id2flox/+. d-h, Nmur1iCre-GFP
Gata3flox/flox mice (cKO) and littermate controls (Ctrl) 7 days after N. b. infection alongside untreated WT controls. d-e, ILC2s (top) and eosinophils (bottom) in the mLN (d) or mLN and lung (e). f, Worm burden g, Goblet- and tuft cells per villus, mucus area quantified from UEA-I stain, all as shown in (h). h, left: Periodic acid-Schiff staining; middle: intestinal tuft cell staining with Dclk1 (red), DAPI (blue); right: intestinal mucus stained with UEA-I (green), DAPI (blue). Littermate controls for (d-h) were Gata3flox/+. i,j, ILC2s and eosinophils in the mLN (i) or mLN and lung (j) 11 days after infection. k, TH2 cells. l, Goblet- and tuft cells per villus, mucus area quantified from UEA-I stain as shown in (m). m, intestine as shown in (h), 11 days after infection.
n-r Infection of BM chimeras of C57BL/6 recipients transplanted with bone marrow of Id2flox/flox(Ctrl), Nmur1Cre-T2A-GFP
Id2flox/flox (cKO) donors, or bone marrow of cKO donors supplemented with sorted ILC2 precursors (cKO + ILC2p) from C57BL/6 donors, with N.b..n, Periodic acid-Schiff staining of small intestine seven days after N. b. infection. o, Goblet cells per villus. p,q, Neutrophils in the lung. r, TH2 cells. s, ILC3s, LTi-like ILC3s and NCR+ ILC3s 7 days after N.b. infection of Nmur1Cre-T2A-GFP Id2flox/flox mice (cKO) and littermate controls (Ctrl). (a-s) One symbol represents data from one mouse, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons, ns not significant, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, **** p<0.0001.