Extended Data Fig. 5. Additional validation of synergy and redundancy network results.
(a) Alternative measure of global integration (area under the curve of the size of the largest connected component across thresholds). (b) Alternative structural-functional dissimilarity (mean Hamming distance). For both (a) and (b): *** p < 0.001 from paired-sample non-parametric permutation t-test (two-sided), n=100 unrelated HCP subjects. (c) Comparison of global efficiency of synergy and redundancy networks of each subject with the average global efficiency of 100 synthetic null networks with edges randomly drawn from the distribution between 0 and the empirical TDMI. (d) Comparison of modularity of synergy and redundancy networks of each subject with the average modularity of 100 synthetic null networks with edges randomly drawn from the distribution between 0 and the empirical TDMI. For (c) and (d), *** p < 0.001 (FDR-corrected) from two-sample non-parametric permutation t-test (two-sided); n = 100 unrelated HCP subjects and n=100 synthetic null networks. For all violin plots: each colored circle represents one subject; white circle: median; central line: mean; box limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5x inter-quartile range.