Fig. 10.
(a) Signal contribution of extra-axonal space calculated from Monte Carlo simulations of parallel cylinders with a Gamma distribution of radii corresponding to the spinal cord ROI values. The signal is the average over the 12 gradient directions used for computing TDR12. The contributions are shown for the different waveforms (left to right), as well as for different b-values and maximum gradient strengths (markers). The largest differences observed for b = 8 ms/μm2 do not exceed 0.03 for the simulated substrates. The dotted line represents 0.01 signal difference. b) Optimised TDR (12 gradient directions, optimised waveforms) as a function of axon diameter for different protocols, when particles in the MC simulation are distributed either uniformly (‘x’) or just inside the cylinders (‘□’). c) Optimised intra-axonal TDR (12 gradient directions, optimised waveforms) as a function of axon diameter for dispersed cylinders following a Watson distribution with different concentration parameters κ = {1, 6, 100}. The TDR values overlap for the different κ values. c) Comparison of optimised TDR for the data acquired with b = 20 ms/ μm2 and 8 ms/ μm2 for the two gradient strengths.