Table 4. Identity Confusion & Self-Acceptance Treatment Strategies.
Task | Suggested DBT skills or principles |
Increase identity awareness and exploration | Mindfulness What and How Skills (CM) |
Dialectical Thinking (WMP) | |
Wise Mind Values (ER) | |
Accumulating Positive Experiences (ER) | |
Reduce distress related to identity confusion | Self-soothe (DT) |
Self-Validation (WMP) | |
Recovering from Invalidation (WMP) | |
Reality Acceptance (DT) | |
Mindfulness of Thoughts (DT) | |
Reduce identity-related shame | Model of Emotions (ER) |
Check the Facts (ER) | |
Opposite Action (ER) | |
Increasing self-acceptance | Mindfulness What and How Skills (CM) |
Non-Judgemental Awareness (CM) | |
States of Mind (CM) | |
Exposure (O) | |
Reality Acceptance (DT) | |
Loving Kindness (CM) | |
Build self-confidence and selfexpression | Self-Encouragement (DT) |
Participate (CM) | |
Opposite Action (ER) | |
Objective Effectiveness (DEARMAN; IE) | |
Self-Respect Effectiveness (FAST; IE) | |
Reduce impact of relevant traumatic events (including traumatic invalidation) | |
Self-Validation (WMP) | |
Exposure (O) | |
Nightmare Protocol (ER) | |
DBT-PE protocol or similar |
Note. Tasks and suggestions informed by participant feedback and previous research (Cohen et al., 2021; Skerven et al., 2019). Tasks and skills/principles are not in any particular order. Skillset indicators: CM = Core Mindfulness; WMP = Walking the Middle path; ER = Emotion Regulation; DT = Distress Tolerance.; IE = Interpersonal Effectiveness; O = treatment strategies/principles outside of the DBT behavioural skills principle. DBT-PE = DBT Prolonged Exposure Therapy (Harned, 2022).