Extended Data Fig. 3 (Related to Figure 3). Condensate motility and phospholipid specificity experiments.
a, Representative time-lapse and tracking of AtEH1 and AtEH2 condensates in Latrunculin B treated (4 μM, 30 minutes) N. benthamiana epidermal cells. b, Schematic representation of the phospholipid localisation domains in Tobacco pollen tubes which maintain a distinctive lipid signature. Images show transient co-expression of pLAT52:AtEH1-YFP with lipid biosensors (pLAT52-biosensor-mCherry) in N. tabacum pollen tubes. The chart shows the quantification of the plasma membrane signal from AtEH1 and lipid biosensors from the tip of the pollen tube. Data represent mean ± SD from five time points from two individual pollen tubes. Scale bars = 5μm. For a-b the experiments were performed two times with similar results. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.