a, Interactomics strategy to identify endocytic client proteins of AtEH1. b, Enriched proteins in AtEH1 and TPLATE TurboID datasets were combined, and proteins common to both datasets are plotted. Auxilin-like1 and Auxilin-like2 were not enriched in the TPLATE-TurboID dataset, but included due to their high enrichment and abundance in the AtEH1-TurboID dataset. Proteins that function in endocytosis are coloured based on their disorder content. NSAF; normalised spectral abundance factor. c, Schematic of the partitioning assay. d, Representative images of scaffolds (AtEH1FL-GFP and AtEH1ΔIDR3-GFP) co-expressed with client proteins (Client-mScarlet) in N. benthamiana epidermal cells. e, Quantification of client partitioning. Values indicates partitioning co-efficient obtained for each cell. A partitioning coefficient of 1 indicates an absence of partitioning. Client proteins are coloured according to their function in endocytosis. Bars indicate mean ± SEM. The dashed line indicates the average background signal (mScarlet). f,g
in vitro partitioning assay. Purified GFP-AtEH1 and TOL6-mCherry or TOL9-mCherry were combined. TOL6-mCherry and TOL9-mCherry did not phase separate individually. f, Quantification of client partitioning. Data indicate partitioning co-efficient from individual droplets. Bars indicate mean ± SEM. Numbers indicate the sample size (e, g). h, TOL chimera experiment. Representative images of TOL3, TOL6, or TOL3 fused with the Prion-like domain (PrLD) of TOL6 (mScarlet) co-expressed with AtEH1ΔIDR3-GFP in N. benthamiana. Scale bars = 5 μm. For d-h experiments were performed twice times with similar results. See also
Extended Data Fig. 4. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.