Fig. 3. Zeb2 deficiency impairs ABC formation and alleviates lupus pathogenesis.
(A) Representative plots and frequency of in vitro induced ABCs (CD19+CD11c+T-bet+) derived from splenic B cells of Zeb2+/+Cd19Cre/+ (CD19-Ctrl), Zeb2f/fCd19+/+ (Floxed-Ctrl), Zeb2f/+Cd19cre/+(B-Zeb2Het), Zeb2f/fCd19cre/+(B-Zeb2KO) mice. (B) Representative plots and frequency of ABCs (CD19+CD11c+T-bet+) in GFP+ (infected) and GFP− (uninfected) B cells transduced with empty plasmid, Tbx21 or Zeb2 cDNA sequence. (C and D) Representative plots, frequency and absolute number of splenic ABCs identified by CD19+CD23−CD11c+T-bet+ (C) and CD19+CD21−CD23−CD11c+CD11b+ (D) in IMQ-induced B-Zeb2KO and Cd19Cre/+ (Ctrl) mice. (E to G) Spleen weight (E), ANA (F), and anti-dsDNA (G) in serum from mice described in (C and D). (H) The IgG1 and IgG2c antibody titers in the culture supernatants from CD19+CD21−CD11c+ and CD19+CD21+CD11c− B cells sorted from mice described in (C and D). (I) Autoantigen microarray showing the relative IgG2c-isotype autoantibody levels in the serum of mice described in (C and D). (J) Representative plots and frequency of renal ABCs (CD19+CD11c+) from mice described in (C and D). (K) H&E staining (right) and pathology assessment (left) of kidneys from mice described in (C and D). (L) The concentration of cytokine and chemokine in the culture supernatants described in (H). n represents distinct samples (biological repeats). Data are representative of 2-3 independent experiments. Data are mean ± SEM values. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ns, not significant, unpaired Student’s t test (B, E, H, L for CCL3, CCL4 and CCL5) with Welch’s correction (C, D, G, J, and L for CXCL10 and IFN-γ), Mann–Whitney U test (F and K) and ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons testing (A).