Figure 5. Chemical inhibition of the PP2A phosphatase induces blood vessel pruning and delays tumor progression in vivo.
(A) Schematic representation and time frame of the sponge implantation assay shown in (B,C)
(B, C) Representative images of sponges stained for CD31+ blood vessels (Scale bar: 100µm)
(B) and quantitative analysis thereof (n ≥ 7 per group) (C).
(D-F) Subcutaneous LLC tumor growth (D) and final tumor burden (E) after EC-specific deletion of Ppp2r2a or systemic LB100 treatment (alone and in combination), showing a similar delay in cancer progression when compared to untreated wildtype mice, albeit no significant changes in total body weight (F).
(G, H) 6µm thin paraffin sections of tumor samples stained for CD31+ blood vessels (Scale bars: 100µm) (G) and statistical analysis of blood vessel density (H).
(I, J) Representative images (Scale bars: 200µm) (I) and quantifications (J) of pimonidazole-positive tumor areas, indicating hypoxic regions.
P values are *p<0,05; **p<0,001; n ≥ 4 mice per condition in A-G.
Graphs show standard error of the mean (SEM).