*To convert uric acid to mg/dL, divide by 59.48 (25.6 μmol/L ≈ 0.4 mg/dL). Analysis required participants to have at least one measurement of uric acid during follow-up at 2 and/or 18 months (n=2691 participants). The value at time 0 is the overall mean of baseline values in all analysed participants in the empagliflozin and placebo arms combined. Study-average differences between treatment groups (empagliflozin minus placebo) are derived from a repeated measures mixed model adjusted for baseline serum uric acid (in continuous form), baseline-by-time interaction, the covariates used in the minimisation algorithm (categories of age, sex, diabetes, estimated glomerular filtration rate, urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio and region) fixed categorical effects of time, treatment allocation and treatment-by-time interaction, and weighted in proportion to the amount of time between follow-up visits. Missing baseline uric acid (4/2691 participants) was imputed with the baseline mean.