(A) DS and SWR reactivation of waking patterns formed by principal cell theta coactivity. For each cell pair (i, j), we predicted the spike discharge of neuron j from the activity of neuron i while regressing out the activity of the remaining population during pre-exploration sleep, exploration of open-field arenas, and post-exploration sleep (using GLMs as in Figure 3A). We separately applied this procedure for DSs and SWRs in both sleep/rest sessions (offline DS versus offline SWR coactivity), and across theta cycles in the exploration session (waking theta coactivity). This procedure returned a matrix of β regression weights that represented the neurons pairwise coactivity structure of the population in each session. We then used a Linear Mixed Model (LMM) to compare the waking theta coactivity with post-exploration sleep coactivity (in DSs or SWRs) while controlling for pre-exploration sleep coactivity (in DSs or SWRs), and vice versa (reverse model). We included mouse identity as a random factor in each LMM.
(B) SWR reactivation (measured by the β coefficients of the LMM that predicted post-exploration SWR coactivity from waking theta coactivity, controlling for pre-exploration SWR coactivity). Left: The β coefficient for theta coactivity was significantly higher when predicting post-exploration SWR coactivity than with the reverse model (i.e., predicting pre-exploration SWR coactivity from theta coactivity, controlling for post-exploration SWR coactivity). Gray points show the β coefficient for theta coactivity for individual mice. Error bars show ± 95% confidence interval. P-value from t-test comparing post versus pre β coefficients: t(7308) = 10.29; P < 0.0001. Right: The histogram shows the random probability distribution of β weights for theta coactivity when cell pair identity was shuffled (i.e., a null distribution based on 1,000 random shuffles; n=7,310 cell pairs from 4 mice). The colored arrow shows the actual β coefficient for theta coactivity.
(C) DS reactivation exhibited the same pattern of results as SWR reactivation, shown in B. P-value from t-test comparing post versus pre β coefficients t(7308) = 8.84; P < 0.0001.