Figure 3. NNMF multivariate and compact representations.
A. NNMF representations of faithful 3D vertices across the mental representations of participants. The x-axis heatmap presents each NNMF component, where colors indicate the relative weight of each shape vertex in the component (normalized by maximum weight across components). Boxplots on the y-axis show the loading of each NNMF component on the faithful representations (N = 14, one per participant) of each familiar identity (N = 4 familiar identities), with colored boxes indicating above 0.1 threshold loading for NNMF components. In boxplots, the bottom (vs. top) edges indicate the 25th (vs. 75th) percentile of the distribution; the whiskers cover the +2.7 standard deviation; the larger central circle indicates the median; the outliers are plotted in smaller circle outside the whiskers. B. Diagnostic and nondiagnostic components for each familiar identity. Heat maps in the left column show the diagnostic component for each familiar identity; heat maps in the right column show the complementary nondiagnostic components.