Extended Data Fig. 8. BRCA status is not significantly correlated with recurrence free survival in a cohort of TNBC patients.
a, CD3 and DAPI staining was performed on n=68 patients from the TNBC cohort. Representative staining in a BRCA mutated (mut) patient and a BRCA WT patient is shown. b, Representative H&E stains of a BRCA mutated (mut) patient and a BRCA WT patient are shown (n=25 BRCA WT; n=20 BRCA mut;Serial sections of the same cores used in Fig. 8a are shown in a and b). Scale bar = 500 m; inset scale bar = 80 m. c, Box plot depicting CD3 staining scores (see Methods section) in patients with known BRCA status from our TNBC cohort (n=23 BRCA WT; n=20 BRCA mut) as well as the total TNBC cohort (All, n=68). Median is presented with 1st and 3rd quartiles with trimmed violin plot overlay. P-value was calculated using a two-sided Student’s t-test. d, TNBC patients were stratified by BRCA mutational status and the association with recurrence free survival was assessed by KM analysis. n=45, P-value was calculated using two-sided log rank test.