a. Example islet single confocal slices acquired at 3 frames/s
before and during glucose injection. Associated Cartesian connectivity maps and
Pearson heatmaps (as described in detail in Figure
2) are given below. b. Ca2+ traces from
individual ROIs in the imaged islet. The dashed line represents the time of
intracardiac glucose injection. As described in Figure 2, the time to 20% rise in Ca2+ signal post
glucose injection was measured, and tabulated in order to identify the first
responders or “temporal leaders”. c. Pooled data for
the five animals imaged. The mean Pearson coefficient of correlation rose
significantly from the low to high glucose state (n=5, data are
means ± SEM, p<0.001 on paired two-tailed t-test). d.
The percentage of significantly connected cell pairs also increases
significantly following glucose administration. Data are means±SEM and
**p<0.01 following a paired two-tailed t-test). e. 3D islet
projections acquired at 0.8 Hz before and during glucose injection.
f. Associated 3D map showing the time of response in a
colour-key fashion (red colour represents the fastest response). g.
Cartesian connectivity map and Pearson heatmaps for the islet shown in e
(n=3 animals, not graphically represented here). The
experiment in e,f,g was performed once with three samples showing
similar results.