A) Experimental setup (left) – Wistar rats were confined to a motorized running wheel operated intermittently (right, Lafayette Instrument), placed inside an acoustic chamber with an ultrasonic speaker for auditory stimulation and video synchronized with continuous EEG/EMG/intracranial electrophysiology. B) Histology of microwire traces targeting the auditory cortex C) Distribution of peak response latencies to click stimuli across all units with an excitatory onset response (n=343) attesting to successful micro-electrode targeting to early auditory cortex. Red line represents the median latency (13.5ms). D) Top: Representative hypnogram (time-course of sleep/wake states, top) along with dynamics of slow wave activity (SWA, EEG power < 4Hz) normalized to session mean in 100s time bins. Bottom: Schematic description of experimental paradigm. Rats were sleep deprived for five hours (zeitgeber time [ZT] 0-5) via intermittent 3s forced running bouts, followed by five hours of recovery sleep opportunity (ZT 5-10), while auditory stimulation was performed continuously throughout the entire experiment with short (~2s) inter-stimulus-intervals, irrespective of wheel movements.