A) Representative unit raster and PSTH response to a click across Vigilant, Tired and NREM sleep conditions (left) and trial-by-trial matched, equally strong, spontaneous bursts (matching the [0,30]ms click onset response) of the same unit (right). Note that there is no post-onset FR reduction following spontaneous bursts. Green shading represents the post-onset [30,80]ms period. B) mean normalized PSTH of all units (n=195) for the stimulus(click)-induced response (left), and matched spontaneous bursts (right) across Vigilant, Tired and NREM sleep conditions. C) Post-onset normalized FR across Vigilant, Tired and NREM sleep conditions for the stimulus-induced response (left) and the matched spontaneous bursts (right) for all units (n=195) and sessions (n=10). D) Representative unit raster and PSTH response to 2 clicks/s train across Vigilant, Tired and NREM sleep conditions. Silent intervals (≥50ms firing silence) just preceding ([-50,0]ms) or immediately following ([30,80]ms) stimulus onset are marked in orange and green, respectively. Note that spontaneous silent intervals (orange) are prevalent in NREM sleep but rare during the Tired condition (as in Vigilant), whereas stimulus-induced silent intervals (green) strongly increase in the Tired condition. E) Increase in silent intervals probability (relative to Poisson process with the same spontaneous firing rate) across Vigilant, Tired and NREM sleep conditions, separately for spontaneous (left) and stimulus-induced (right) silent intervals for all electrodes (n=126) and sessions (n=10). F) Modulation of the probability of spontaneous and stimulus-induced silent intervals across Tired vs. Vigilant conditions for all electrodes (n=126) and sessions (n=10). Stimulus-induced silent intervals show a larger and more reliable change upon sleep deprivation (comparing Tired and Vigilant conditions) relative to spontaneous intervals. Bars represent mean across all units/channels. Small gray markers represent individual units/channels. Large dark gray markers represent mean of all units/channels in an individual session. Red dots point to the representative unit presented in panels A and D.