Figure 4. The activity of BT1044GH18 on immunoglobulin substrates and structural of the enzyme.
Activity of BT1044GH18 against a, human serum IgG b, human serum IgA and c, human colostrum IgA is shown in the presence of BT0455GH33 sialidase. The products with a β1,4 bisecting GlcNAc are indicated to by a white asterisk. The results are representative of at least three independent replicates. d, Cartoon depiction of the predicted orientation of BT1044GH18 on the cell surface of Bt showing the attachment to the cell surface through a lipid anchor. Loops 1-7 on the surface of the enzyme with the active site are coloured yellow, green, orange, blue, magenta, purple and dark green, respectively. e, The surface of the BT1044GH18 crystal structure is shown again with the same loop colouring and the two catalytic residues are in red. For comparison, the previously published crystal structure of the CNG-active enzyme EndoF3 (1EOM) from Elizabethkingia meningoseptica is shown (cyan). The conserved residues from the DxxDxDxE motif have been coloured orange and the approximate +1 (GlcNAc) and +1’ (fucose) subsites are indicated to by white and red dashed lines, respectively. BT1044GH18 has more of a groove (white dashed box) in the equivalent section. The area where a bisecting GlcNAc would be predicted to sit is indicated to by an asterisk. This space is occupied in Endo F3, whereas in BT1044GH18 there is more space to accommodate this sugar, reflecting their respective activities (see Supplementary Fig. 21 for more details). The results are representative of at least three independent replicates.