Heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectra of the
CCR5 pseudoknot element. a) Ribose C1′ and b) base
C8 HMQC spectra of ligated CCR5 RNA bearing site-specific
(8,1′)-13C-labeled probes at residue A95. The donor
fragment was prepared by solid-phase synthesis on a DNA synthesizer first using
unlabeled RNA amidites followed by incorporation of a selective
(8,1′)-13C-labeled adenosine phosphoramidite at different
positions. Upon ligation to the unlabeled acceptor fragment, the resulting
ligated full length CCR5 pseudoknot element afforded a single
peak at either ribose C1′ or base C8 region. The projected 1D
1H spectrum in part (a) displayed a single peak across a broader
H1′ region, demonstrating the success in isotope labeling of a specific
residue of the full length 96 nt RNA. c) Overlay of ribose HMQC spectra obtained
from two CCR5 RNA pseudoknot samples. The spectrum in blue was
recorded for a full length CCR5 RNA with all 17 adenosine
residues labeled selectively with (8,1′)-13C atoms; the
spectrum in red was from the ligated CCR5-A95 RNA. d) Ligation
between the unlabeled acceptor and four different residue-specific labeled donor
fragments resulted in resonance assignments of four additional residues: A90,
A85, A79, and A76 at both ribose C1′ and base C8 regions. The spectrum in
blue is the same as that in part (c). This method allowed for straightforward
resonance assignments and provided staring points for assignment of the
neighboring residues based on 2D/3D NOESY experiments. e) Secondary structure of
CCR5 pseudoknot RNA based on previous SHAPE