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. 2020 Aug 21;58(10):912–918. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001397


Characteristics of the Hospitalizations, Nursing Units, and Shifts

Patients (N=146,349) Values [n (%)]
Age [M (SD)] 61.7 (17.3)
 Male 81,476 (55.7)
 Female 64,873 (44.3)
Comorbidities (CCI) [M (SD)] 2.03 (2.12)
Severity of illness on admission (LAPS) [M (SD)] 25.9 (28.4)
Admission type
 Elective (nonurgent) 33,373 (22.8)
 Semiurgent 26,300 (17.8)
 Urgent 86,676 (59.2)
Required any ICU stay
 Yes 48,356 (33.0)*
 No 97,993 (67.0)
ICU shifts per hospitalization
 No. shifts spent in an ICU [M (SD)] 4.5 (16.4)
 Range 0–589
Admission year
 2010 20,376 (13.9)
 2011 20,267 (13.8)
 2012 21,164 (14.5)
 2013 21,587 (14.8)
 2014 21,692 (14.8)
 2015 20,770 (14.2)
 2016–2017 20,493 (14.0)
Follow-up time in shifts [median (range)] 14 (1–90)
Status on discharge
 Death 4854 (3.3)
Nursing units (N=32)
 Type of nursing unit
  Surgical 14 (43.7)
  Medical 11 (34.4)
  ICU 7 (21.9)
Shifts (N=3,478,603)
 Type of nursing unit
  Surgical 1,720,176 (49.5)
  Medical 1,180,670 (33.9)
  ICU 577,757 (16.6)

*When considering all hospitalizations at the participating UHC (ie, including labor and delivery, psychiatric, and palliative care unit patients along with medical, surgical, and ICU patients), only 15.7% of them required an ICU stay. This figure is slightly higher than but comparable to the Canadian average (ie, 11.0% for all Canadian hospitals) (CIHI, 2016).38 Excluding labor and delivery, psychiatric, and palliative care unit patients from the study cohort therefore artificially increased the proportion of patients requiring an ICU stay.

CCI indicates Charlson Comorbidity Index; ICU, intensive care unit; LAPS, Laboratory-based Acute Physiology Score.