A) CBD molecule fit into the NavMs-CBD crystal structure (overlaid by the 2Fo-Fc map contoured at 0.75 sigma), indicating the fit of the CBD to the density. (
B) Aliphatic (C
20) part of a lipid (or detergent) molecule (overlaid by the (2Fo-Fc) density (also contoured in blue at 0.75 sigma) in the crystal structure of Apo-NavMs. (
C) The C
20 structure refined into the NavMs-CBD (2Fo-Fc) (blue) map also contoured at 0.75 sigma [but without CBD structure present during refinement]. The green and red meshes (Fo-Fc maps contoured at sigma = 3) correspond to unaccounted for positive and negative densities, respectively). This clearly indicates that the density seen in the NavMs-CBD map is not due to bound lipid or detergent. The extra densities seen in the apo-NavMs maps may, however, arise from transient/partial occupancy of the cavity by a lipid, as had been indicated by molecular dynamics simulations (
Ulmschneider et al., 2013), but occupancy by a lipid molecule for any significant time period is unlikely as it would inhibit the entry of hydrophobic drugs into the fenestration. In all panels the protein is shown in ribbon depiction (different colours for different polypeptide chains in the tetramer) and the three sodium ions present in the channel selectivity filter are shown as small grey balls, for visual reference.