Regions 1 (With Region Label) | Regions 2 (With Region Label) | mRMR Score | |||||||
BD vs. HC | |||||||||
186 | Left superior temporal pole | in | MFN | – | 152 | Left middle orbitofrontal cortex | in | SC | 0.0261 |
242 | Left crus II of cerebellum | in | FPN | – | 70 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0225 |
188 | Left superior temporal pole | in | MON | – | 96 | Right parahippocampus | in | DMN | 0.0191 |
201 | Left inferior temporal cortex | in | VA | – | 31 | Right precentral cortex | in | FPN | 0.0181 |
131 | Right pons | in | SC | – | 43 | Right angular gyrus | in | VA | 0.0170 |
80 | Right calcarine | in | VisI | – | 79 | Right lingual gyrus | in | VisI | 0.0084 |
199 | Left inferior temporal cortex | in | FPN | – | 24 | Right supplementary motor area | in | MON | 0.0054 |
189 | Left middle temporal pole | in | MON | – | 57 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0038 |
104 | Right lobule X of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 101 | Right lobule IV, V of cerebellum | in | SC | 0.0026 |
198 | Left fusiform gyrus | in | VisI | – | 41 | Right superior parietal cortex | in | VA | 0.0023 |
110 | Right lobule VI of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 99 | Right hippocampus | in | SC | 0.0022 |
157 | Left inferior opercular frontal cortex | in | FPN | – | 152 | Left middle orbitofrontal cortex | in | SC | 0.0021 |
157 | Left inferior opercular frontal cortex | in | FPN | – | 14 | Right middle frontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0020 |
233 | Left parahippocampus | in | SC | – | 81 | Right inferior occipital cortex | in | VisII | 0.0018 |
28 | Right superior medial frontal cortex | in | SC | – | 16 | Right inferior triangular frontal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0015 |
192 | Left middle temporal cortex | in | MFN | – | 136 | Left rectus | in | SC | 0.0014 |
252 | Left crus II of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 144 | Left middle frontal cortex | in | SC | 0.0013 |
257 | Left caudate | in | SC | – | 142 | Left middle frontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0013 |
224 | Left middle cingulate cortex | in | SC | – | 15 | Right middle cingulate cortex | in | SC | 0.0011 |
177 | Left superior parietal cortex | in | VA | – | 91 | Right middle cingulate cortex | in | SC | 0.0009 |
59 | Right fusiform gyrus | in | VA | – | 33 | Right precentral cortex | in | MON | 0.0008 |
50 | Right middle temporal cortex | in | DMN | – | 9 | Right middle frontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0007 |
BDI vs. HC | |||||||||
238 | Left lobule VI of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 174 | Left paracentral lobule | in | MON | 0.0995 |
108 | Right lobule IX of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 71 | Right fusiform gyrus | in | VA | 0.0423 |
104 | Right lobule X of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 101 | Right lobule IV, V of cerebellum | in | SC | 0.0361 |
148 | Left superior medial frontal cortex | in | MFN | – | 137 | Left rectus | in | MFN | 0.0361 |
202 | Left inferior temporal cortex | in | MON | – | 30 | Right superior frontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0361 |
260 | Left caudate | in | SC | – | 151 | Left inferior orbitofrontal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0361 |
135 | Left inferior orbitofrontal cortex | in | SC | – | 57 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0305 |
193 | Left inferior temporal cortex | in | FPN | – | 53 | Right middle temporal pole | in | MFN | 0.0070 |
201 | Left inferior temporal cortex | in | VA | – | 49 | Right angular gyrus | in | DMN | 0.0065 |
55 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | FPN | – | 50 | Right middle temporal cortex | in | DMN | 0.0050 |
192 | Left middle temporal cortex | in | MFN | – | 4 | Right superior orbitofrontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0027 |
258 | Left caudate | in | SC | – | 222 | Left precuneus | in | DMN | 0.0013 |
BDII vs. HC | |||||||||
186 | Left superior temporal pole | in | MFN | – | 152 | Left middle orbitofrontal cortex | in | SC | 0.0567 |
220 | Left middle cingulate cortex | in | SC | – | 60 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0490 |
253 | Left crus I of cerebellum | in | SC | – | 4 | Right superior orbitofrontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0419 |
268 | Left pons | in | SC | – | 148 | Left superior medial frontal cortex | in | SC | 0.0419 |
70 | Right inferior temporal cortex | in | FPN | – | 19 | Right middle frontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0354 |
198 | Left fusiform gyrus | in | VisI | – | 53 | Right middle temporal pole | in | MFN | 0.0354 |
229 | Left hippocampus | in | SC | – | 172 | Left postcentral cortex | in | MON | 0.0107 |
192 | Left middle temporal cortex | in | MFN | – | 4 | Right superior orbitofrontal cortex | in | FPN | 0.0105 |
264 | Left thalamus | in | SC | – | 183 | Left superior temporal cortex | in | MFN | 0.0097 |
DMN, default mode network; FPN, frontoparietal network; MFN, medial frontal network; MON, motor network; SC, subcortical and cerebellar network; VA, visual association network; VisI, visual I network; VisII, visual II network.