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. 2020 Nov 4;17:134. doi: 10.1186/s12966-020-01036-0

Table 3.

Results from the Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA), bi-factor item analyses, and Item Response Modeling (IRM) analyses for the Physical Activity (PA) parenting practices item bank

CFA Bi-Factor Item Analysis Drop code
Constructs (Cronbach α) λ Constructs λ I-ECV
Neglect/control PA parenting practices domain
 1 Allow child to stay inside Permissive (.70) .83 Coercive control .70 .47 I-ECV
 2 Lack energy to make sure child is active everyday .56 .48 .88 Poor
 3 Allow child not to enroll in sports or activities .78 .66 .87
 4 Nag or constantly remind child to be active Pressure (.96) .70 .69 .72
 5 Threaten / take away privileges for not being active .62 .62 .84
 6 Guilt child to be PA by telling them he/she is lazy .90 .91 1.00
 7 Insist child play outside to get child active .79 .79 .90
 8 Get upset or angry if my child is not active .88 .89 1.00
 9 Push child hard to improve at sports and activities .81 .81 .99
 10 Force my child to play outside .70 .70 .96
 11 Discipline child for refusing to exercise or be active .91 .91 .99
 12 Promise a sweet or salty treat for being active .83 .83 .96
 13 Complain when child is not active enough .83 .83 .98
 14 Say friends will make fun if not better at activities .91 .91 .97
 15 Insist child participate in organize sports activities .78 .78 .98
 16 Show people who are overweight to encourage PA .83 .82 .89
 17 Tell child s/he will gain weight .76 .75 .85
 18 Tell child will develop diabetes or other disease .82 .81 .90
 19 Take something or add chore for not being active .90 .90 .99
 20 Tell child to stop being lazy .88 .88 1.00
 21 Force child to be active in free time .88 .88 .98
Correlations between constructs PE PR
 Permissive (PE) 1.0
 Pressure (PR) .85 1.0
Structure PA parenting practices domain
 22 Participate in any PA with your child Nondirective support (.86) .73 NI
 23 Go for walks with your child .58 NI
 24 Active transportation (walk / bike places) with child .53 NI
 25 Ask your child to do PA with you .78 NI
 26 Our family is physically active together .85 NI
 27 PA is central to what our families does together .84 NI
 28 Tell my child how much I like PA NI CFA
 29 Talk about my PA with my child .61 NI
a30 How many times parent did 30 min of PA .42 NI
 31 Keep track of your child’s PA .64 NI
 32 Aware of how much PA child engages in NI CFA
 33 Arrange for child to be with friends to be active .55 NI
 34 Child can easily access sport of PA equipment Supportive expectation (.76) NI CFA
 35 Make sure child has outside PA/sport equipment .73 NI
 36 Buy equipment / toys to play outside .66 NI
 37 Expect that child play outside .72 NI
 38 Expect that child be active most days of the week .61 NI
 39 Expect that child be PA through play in free time .68 NI
 40 Expect family be active together every week .78 NI
 41 Minutes of expected PA per day .50 NI
 42 Expect child to enroll in PA outside of school .59 NI
 43 When school is out, expect child get 60 min of PA NI CFA
a44 f Enroll child in sport or PA during school year Facilitation (.76) .77 NI
a45 Take child to sport or PA during school year .93 NI LD
a46 Enroll child in sport or PA during summer .58 NI
a47 Take child to sport or PA during summer, d/wk .67 NI
a48 Miss sport or PA class because no ride NI CFA
 49 Restrict active play inside the home Restrict inside PA (.70) .48 NI
 50 Tell child to stop active play for fear of getting hurt .93 NI
 51 Prevent active play for fear of getting hurt .78 NI
 52 Enroll child in PA that have risk of minor injury Allow unsupervised outdoor PA (.73) NI CFA
a53 Limit enrolment in sport/PA during the school year NI CFA
a54 Allow child to play outside alone .90 NI
a55 Allow child to walk places alone .97 NI
a56 Allow child to bike alone .90 NI LD
a57 Allow child to take public transit alone .59 NI
Correlations among constructs NS SE FA RI AU
 Nondirective support (NS) 1.0
 Supportive expectations (SE) .61 1.0
 Facilitation (FA) .38 .38 1.0
 Restrict inside PA (RI) .25 .11 .16 1.0
 Allow unsupervised outside PA (AU) .11 .14 .21 −.02 1.0
Autonomy promotion PA parenting practices domain
 58 Encourage PA outside on the weekends Encourage (.90) .58 Autonomy support .55 .96
 59 Encourage to go places to be active CFA
 60 Encourage walking & biking in the neighbourhood CFA
 61 Suggest walking or biking to get to places CFA
 62 Say positive things to motivate child to be active CFA
 63 Help find ways for your child to be PA in free time .80 .69 .74 LD
 64 Tell child that PA is fun CFA
 65 Tell my child he/she will make friends by being PA CFA
 66 Discuss benefits of PA with your child .85 .77 .85
 67 Tell your child you like it when they are active .82 .73 .82
 68 Use role models to encourage PA .51 .81
 69 Remind your child to be PA in their free time .81 .66 .53 I-ECV
 70 Set challenges to encourage more activity CFA
 71 Remind my child to be play more actively .42 .26 .25 I-ECV
 72 Teach child new or different games to be active CFA
 73 Volunteer or organize sports or PA activities Parent involvement (.89) CFA
 74 Encourage your child to talk about PA CFA
 75 Talk about child’s sports or PA participation .74 .61 .66
 76 Tell child is doing well in PA .88 .74 .68 LD
 77 Watch child’s sports practices .67 .45 .34 I-ECV
 78 Teach child a sport or PA .60 .61 .99
 79 Tell child you are proud of their PA participation .91 .80 .78
 80 Praise child for participating in PA or sport .90 .82 .83
 81 Watch child’s sports games or performances .47 .26 .21 I-ECV
 82 Coach child’s sports or activities CFA
 83 Find it stimulating to hear about child’s PA .60 .48 .64
a84 Child provides input on the types of PA like to do Guided choice (.88) .81 NI
a85 Involve child in picking what activities to enroll in .77 NI
a86 Child given PA choices from which s/he can pick .80 NI
a87 We pick what activities my child will do together .77 NI
a88 Ask child to decide when active in free time .64 NI
a89 Agree on when child should be active in free time .69 NI
a90 Encourage child to come up with a PA plan .64 NI LD
a91 Calmly discuss when child should be active .65 NI LD
a92 Child can choose activities we do as a family .71 NI
 93 Reward child for being physically active Reward (.92) .90 NI
 94 Reward child for PA accomplishments NI CFA
 95 Reward child for trying hard .88 NI
 96 Reward child for participating in PA classes .95 NI
Correlations among constructs EN PI GC RE
Encourage (EN) 1.0
Parent involvement (PI) .75 1.0
Guided choice (GC) .35 .46 1.0
Reward (RE) .40 .29 .16 1.0

a Items that were administered at Wave 2 (N ranged from 459 to 475, except for item 48 where N = 386)

Drop code: CFA Dropped from the Confirmatory Factor Analyses as it was not loading on the factor or identified as correlating with other factors from the modification indices, DRF Deleted since item is not invariant (significant Differential Response Functioning), I-ECV (explained common variance for a single item) is less than .50 I-ECV, LD LD Local dependence; and Poor = Conceptually dropped as thought to be a poor indicator of the construct