Relative shoot dry weight of lettuce “Rouxai” on day 25 plotted against the relative photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), relative yield photon flux density (YPFD), relative leaf length, relative PPFD × relative leaf length, and relative YPFD × relative leaf length. Plants were grown under six static lighting treatments delivered by warm-white (WW) or mixed blue (B; 400–500 nm), green (G; 500–600 nm), red (R; 600–700 nm), and far-red (FR; 700–800 nm) light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The number for each LED type is its photon flux density in μmol⋅m–2⋅s–1. Data were averaged for each lighting treatment from two blocks. Linear regression equations, coefficients of determination, and p-values for slopes are provided. The only significant linear relationship occurs between relative YPFD × relative leaf length and relative shoot dry weight (α = 0.05).