Asymmetric adaptation during repeated dichotic listening blocks. (a) In experiments where a dichotic block was repeated (8 out of 13), there was a statistically significant amplitude increase from block 1 to block 2 in the right hemisphere. In the left hemisphere, however, there was no such statistically significant difference. Values represent changes in CBF relative to the rest directly prior to the first dichotic block in this subset of eight out of experiments. (b) Hemodynamic data for all experiments, over all blocks. In addition to CBF, relative heartrate is depicted. Absolute heartrate values are tabulated in Table S2 in the Supplemental Materials. Because not all experiments featured a repeated dichotic block, the number of subjects that the data represents for each bar is indicated. Error bars represent standard error of the mean, -values (two-tailed Student’s -test) are shown and “N.S.” indicates .