Figure 4. Striatal LFPs before and after acute L-Dopa administration in parkinsonian nonhuman primates (NHPs).
(A and B) Relative power of the striatal oscillations (Br, n=17; Ch, n=5 recordings) at 8–13 Hz and 13–20 Hz frequency range showing significant decreases after L-Dopa injection. (C) Classification of “off” versus “on” states in parkinsonian NHPs based on power values of 8–13 Hz and 13–20 Hz frequency band oscillations (Br, n=17; Ch, n=5 recordings). Receiver operating characteristic plots show the true (sensitivity) vs. false positive rates (1-specificity) of “off” vs. “on” state discrimination for each frequency band separately using logistic regression (LR) and support vector machines (SVM) methods. Thick and thin lines represent mean and standard error of mean, respectively. Significant difference is denoted by *P<0.01. The black horizontal lines and white circles in the box plots represent the mean and median values, respectively.