Fig. 5.
Substrates that demonstrated significant mitochondrial utilization differences based on total FSH dose administered. To determine the differences in mitochondrial utilization, substrates were compared using a multiple linear regression model using Box-Cox transformation. Mitochondrial utilization for citric acid (P < 0.05), cis-aconitic acid (P < 0.01), D-alpha-keto-glutaric acid (P < 0.05), L-glutamine (P < 0.05), and alanine-glycine (P < 0.05) in pooled GCs of patients were found to be significantly lower as the total FSH dose administered increased, after adjusting for the other factors in the model. Following the Box-Cox transformation of the data and observing the Q-Q plots, the most outlying observations have been removed to ensure the normality of the response variables.. Data are presented as a scatter plot of the individual patient values lambda transformed for normalization showing the trend line and the 95% confidence interval