Fig. 2. A secondary sub-genomic CRISPR screen validates genes required for cellular LDL-cholesterol uptake.
a Schematic of the primary (genome-wide) and secondary (targeted, top 1000) screening approach. Screening results from both screens show extensive overlap and create a complementary dataset of 106 genes required for cellular cholesterol homeostasis. b Comparison of the genome-wide (vertical) and targeted (horizontal) CRISPR screening results. Genes are indicated by MAGeCK sgRNA enrichment score, with hits specific to the genome-wide screen (score < 10−5) indicated in blue, hits specific to the targeted screen (score <10-4) in green and hits in both screens in red. A select number of hits is indicated by gene name. The full datasets are available in Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Data 1. c A schematic representation of combined hits from the genome-wide and targeted CRISPR screens highlights the central role of LDL-cholesterol import in cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Hits are grouped by membrane trafficking pathway of their involvement. A full list of hits from both screens is available in Supplementary Data 1.