Figure 3.
Effect of recombination rates on predictive power. A and B: PRS SNPs from each dataset were binned into quartiles of African American recombination rate. Absolute (A) and relative (B) partial-R2 for subsets of SNPs divided by the total partial-R2 for each dataset (Table 1). Vertical bars show 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. C: correlation between PRS SNPs effect sizes from Europeans and Admixed Africans in the WHI_afr dataset. The inset shows a qq-plot of for PRS SNPs. The dashed line shows the regression with standard errors shaded in light gray. D: X-axis, recombination rate in cM/20Kb. Y-axis, statistic for the difference in betas between European and African ancestries (Equation 1) in WHI_afr. Cut-off at 15 for display purposes excludes 10 data points. The dashed line shows regression with standard errors shaded in light gray. Red points represent the median recombination rate for each of 20 quantiles of recombination rate.