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. 2020 Oct 22;11:575991. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575991


Fixed effect estimates (Top) and variance estimates (Bottom) for multi-level linear model of semantic relatedness ratings of gesture-word pairs (observations = 9568).

Fixed effect Coefficient SE Wald z p
Intercept 4.14 00.07 62.89 < 0.001***
Semantic congruency –3.86 0.17 –22.44 < 0.001***
Language modality –0.03 0.06 –0.60 0.55
Semantic congruency × language modality –0.25 0.14 –1.80 0.07

Random effect s2

Participant 0.34
Participant × semantic congruency 1.28
Item 0.75

p < 0.1; ***p < 0.001.