Table 5. Dipole Moment p (debye) of a Sulfolane Molecule in the Gas Phase Obtained By All Force Fields and Quantum Chemical Calculationa.
description | p/debye | Δp (%) |
MP2/aug-cc-pvdz | 5.646 | |
force field of ref (2) | 6.178 | 9.42 |
OPLS | 5.425 | –3.91 |
this work | 5.922 | 4.89 |
The dipole moment predicted from the refined force field (this work) uses the derived DDEC6 liquid phase charges reported under “This work”in Table 1. The experimentally determined gas-phase dipole moment is 4.69 debye.1 The deviation Δp has been calculated with respect to the MP2/aug-cc-pvdz value.