Figure 1. Summary of the Data Included in SCLC-CellMiner and Resources.
(A) Cell line overlap between the data sources. Cell lines in red are from the NCI database (n = 68), dark blue from CTRP (n = 39), light blue from CCLE (n = 53),orange from GDSC (n = 74), and green from UTSW (n = 73). Cell line details are provided in Table S1.
(B) Summary of the genomic and drug activities data in SCLC-CellMiner ( For microarray, mutations, copy number, and promoter methylation data, the numbers indicate the number of genes. For RNA-seq data, the numbers indicate the number of transcripts. The bottom row shows the total number of cell lines (N = 118) integrated in SCLC-CellMiner. New data analyses are highlighted in yellow.
(C) Cell line overlap between data sources (see Table S1 for details).
(D) Drug overlap between data sources.