Degree of PDE effects on whole‐brain functional organization. (a) FC matrix depicting group mean correlation in the upper triangle and detected significant ISV effects (FDR corrected; q = .05) based on multivariate LME‐CRE model in lower triangle. Connections sorted by region‐to‐network‐level affiliation. (b) Ranked proportion of effects in different categories: single drug > single nondrug > combined > multiple nondrugs > multiple drugs. (c) Ranked proportion of effects across individual drug and nondrug PC variables. (d) Distribution of hyper/hypo‐ or positive/negative associations based on individual FC measures rather than ISV for each set of PC‐related effects. CRE, crossed‐random effects; FC, Functional connectivity; FDR, false discovery rate; ISV, intersubject variability; LME, linear mixed‐effect model; PC, participant characteristics; PDE, prenatal drug exposure