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. 2020 Apr 9;16(10):2481–2494. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2020.1726679

Table 8.

Multiple logistic regression analysis, analysis of conditional maximum likelihood estimates, step 6

Analysis of conditional maximum likelihood estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Standard error Wald chi-Square p value aORa 95% Wald confidence limits
Rotavirus life vaccine dose 1 1 0.8739 0.3403 6.5959 0.0102 5.742 1.513 21.794
Breastfeeding at the month of index date* 1 −0.3122 0.1269 6.0531 0.0139 0.536 0.326 0.881
Family history of intussusception 1 0.5902 0.2802 4.4359 0.0352 3.256 1.085 9.767

DF degrees of freedom; aOR adjusted odds ratio; *index date cases: date of symptom onset, controls: day of life on which the matching case experienced first symptoms of intussusception; amatched by gender, date of birth (± 30 calendar days), federal state, and place of residence (first digit of the zip code).