The unconditional indirect effects model showing the association of childhood adversity with chronic illness, cardiometabolic risk, and DNAm PhenoAge through change in body mass index.
Note: Chi-square = 75.653, df = 34, p = .0001; CFI = 0.911; SRMR= 0.029. Values are standardized parameter estimates, and standard errors are in parentheses. Depression age 29 is controlled for in CA and Age 29 health outcomes, controlling potential recall bias; gender and childhood socioeconomic status age 10 are controlled for in ΔBMI and age 29 outcomes, isolating CA effects; education age 29, substance use age 29, healthy diet age 29, exercise age 29, income age 29 are controlled for in all age 29 health outcomes to control alternative influences on health; and cell types are controlled for DNAm PhenoAge to yield intrinsic PhenoAge. Control variable effects are not shown in the figure. DNAm PhenoAge is residualized on chronological age and so represents age acceleration..
**p ≤ .01; *p ≤ .05 (two-tailed tests), n = 412.