Inhibition of NAc D2-MSNs in Drd2-iCre rats promotes alcohol intake. (a) Timeline of DMSO and CNO administration. Sessions 19–21: DMSO was administered 30-min before the start of each alcohol session, and bottles were weighed 1-, 4-, and 24-h after the start of drinking. Session 22: CNO was administered to the same rats that received DMSO during sessions 19–21 30-min before the start of drinking, and bottles were weighed 1-, 4-, and 24-h later. (b) Drd2-iCre rats expressing hM3Dq DREADD showed no change in alcohol intake after CNO administration across all time points. Females drank significantly more alcohol than males at 1- and 4-h after the start of drinking. (c) Drd2-iCre male rats expressing the hM4Di DREADD displayed a significant increase in alcohol intake 1-h after CNO administration. Drd2-iCre female rats with the hM4Di DREADD displayed a significant increase in alcohol intake 1- and 4-h after CNO administration. CNO increased alcohol intake overall at the 24-h time point. Drd2-iCre females expressing hM4Di drank significantly more alcohol after CNO administration, but not DMSO, 1- and 4-h after the start of alcohol drinking. (d,e) CNO administration did not alter total fluid intake across any time point in Drd2-iCre rats compared to total fluid intake after DMSO administration. (f, left.) Drd2-iCre rats with the hM3Dq DREADD were no different than Wt rats for percent change in alcohol intake after CNO. (f, right.) Collapsed by sex, Drd2-iCre rats expressing hM4Di showed significant increases in percent change in alcohol intake compared to Wt receiving hM4Di 1- and 4-h after the start of alcohol-drinking. In male rats, Drd2-iCre showed significant increases in percent change in alcohol intake compared to Wt with the hM4Di DREADD 1-h after the start of drinking. Increased percent change in alcohol intake after CNO among Drd2-iCre female rats expressing hM4Di persisted for 24-h after the start of alcohol intake compared to Wt with hM4Di. Data represented as mean ± SEM. (b–e) treatment effects *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; sex effects #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001. (f) Females *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; Males ^^^p < 0.001.