Figure 6.
Comparison of bacterial community structure of Ae aegypti mosquitoes. A two-dimensional plot of the Bray–Curtis index. (A) Increase in temperature resulted in significant dissimilarity in the midgut microbial community between the H and L temperature regimen (Bray–Curtis Index, PERMANOVA, F = 2.2063; R2 = 0.16706; P = 0.002). (B) Phylogenetic differences between the two populations (Miami and Mexico) in the bacterial community assemblages was not observed {[PERMANOVA] F- value: 1.4023; R-squared: 0.038523; P (< 0.169)}. (C) Intake of a blood meal altered the microbial community in the midgut of Ae. aegypti individuals (Bray–Curtis Index, PERMANOVA, F = 2.7182, R2 = 0.072067; P = 0.004).