Figure 1.
(A) Temporal change in scaffold weight with removal of PVA by washing in dH2O (N = 4). Mechanical compression data of washed and unwashed scaffolds showing (B) deformation behavior and (C) compressive modulus between 8 and 10% strain (N = 5). SEM images of (D) washed and (E) unwashed LayFomm scaffolds, showing the appearance of micropores (arrowheads) following removal of PVA by washing in dH2O. Error bars (A,C) and fill between lines (B) indicates standard deviation. For (A), lines are as follows: wet—smoothing spline, 7 knots; dry and Δ weight—non-linear fit, R2 = 0.9907 and 0.9892, respectively. ****P < 0.0001.