Metabolite Consumption and Metabolic Gene Expression in Human Macular and Peripheral RPE/Choroids
(A–C) Metabolite consumption from human RPE/choroid explant culture. Metabolite uptake from (A) peripheral and (B) macular RPE/choroid explants. (C) The comparison of metabolite uptake between macular and peripheral RPE/choroid explants. Data were relative ion abundance over the control or peripheral RPE/choroid explants. N = 8, ∗P < 0.05 versus Control or peripheral RPE/choroid explants. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. t test.
(D–G) Metabolite release from the macular and peripheral RPE/choroid explant culture. Metabolite release from (D) peripheral and macular (E) RPE/choroid explants. (F–G) The comparison of metabolite uptake between macular and peripheral RPE/choroid explants. Data were relative ion abundance over the control or peripheral RPE/choroid explants, or absolute abundance when detected in the baseline control. N = 8, ∗P < 0.05 versus Control or peripheral RPE/choroid explants. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. t test.
(H) Gene expression of the top 20 abundant small molecule transporters in human peripheral and macular RPE/choroid.
(I) Schematic of nutrient uptake and release in macular RPE/choroid. Red-colored metabolites are those with increased uptake or release in macular RPE/choroid. ABC transporters and glucose transporters (SLC5A9 and SLC2A4) are upregulated in macular RPE/choroid.
See also Figures S7–S9 and Tables S2, S5, S11, and S16.